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Season 7

Sand and Water

(at Doc Magoos)
Abby: (to waitress) Hi. Could I get a coffee with cream, no sugar to go, please?
Carter: Hey
Abby: Hey. You back already?
Carter: No, not for another week.
Abby: What, are you just hanging out?
Carter: Conversion meeting at nine.
Abby: You look much better.
Carter: Thank you. Ya, I like your hair.
Abby: Thank you.
Carter: Those are some nice scrubs. You picking up some extra shifts? Abby: No, I was suspended.
Carter: Oh... You didn't kill anybody, did you?
Abby: No. But I wanted to. My, my ex-husband was supposed to pay my tuition. He didn't pay it, so, uh...
Carter: Ouch.
Abby: I'm on the bench for a while. But it certainly didn't seem like that today. (Waitress brings Abby her coffee) Oh, thank you.
Carter: Hey, I got that. (To waitress) Would you put that on my bill, please?
Abby: It's okay.
Carter: Hey, it's a cup of coffee. Sit down. It's the least I can do after acting like a complete jerk.
Abby: (she sits down) When?
Carter: Three months ago. You know, you might've saved my life. If you hadn't stopped me when you did, I could be dead now. (he looks at her, she doesn't say anything) I'm working on my steps here.
Abby: You're up to nine already?
Carter: Well, more or less.
Abby: I forgive you. (points to his cigarett) Do you mind? (He doesn't, she picks it up.) Sorry. I really hafta quit. Again, thank you.
Carter: Keep it. Long day?
Abby: Yeah. Twenty two week old premie survived nine hours. I just finished the death kit.
Carter: Wow.
Abby: Yeah. I don't know why I do this. Sometimes I think I should just go be an accountant or something.
Carter: Hmm, that's an option.
Abby: Yeah, if I could balance a checkbook. What about you?
Carter: A lot of waiting, a lot of meetings.
Abby: Ya, you get kind of meetinged out...(waits for a reaction, she dosen't get one) Aren't you gonna ask?
Carter: What?
Abby: What I was doing there this morning?
Carter: You only go for one reason. I figured I'd keep going and eventually you'd stand up and share.
Abby: It's not that interesting... I'm a drunk.
Carter: How long have you been sober?
Abby: Almost five years.
Carter: So you could sponsor somebody...
Abby: Ya, I guess.
Carter: Have you?
Abby: No.
Carter: 'Cause I'm, uh, suposed to find a sponsor... (looks at Abby)
Abby: (pauses, then laughs) Don't look at me.
Carter: No?
Abby: No, I'm barely holding my own life together right now, trust me.
Carter: 'Cause it would be great to have somebody at the hospital. And since you did sort of start me on my road to recovery...
Abby: And men and women aren't supposed to sponsor each other.
Carter: Don't worry about it.
Abby: (looks offended and laughs) Thanks.
Carter: (laughs) Come on. You're not gonna make me ask a total stranger, are you? I mean the only person I met at the meeting was the coffee guy.
Abby: Ok, Ok, I will work the steps with you until you find a permanent sponsor.
Carter: Fair enough.
Abby: I'll start by setting a good example. (She puts out the cigarette, then she grabs a menu) Besides, I don't think coffee and cigarettes are gonna do it for me tonight.
Carter: No?
Abby:? No. I'm getting a hot fudge sundae.
Carter: Mmm.
Abby: Would you like one?
Carter: Hmmm-mmm. (He shakes his head) I got enough vices.
Abby: No, I think one of the rules should be that you have to splurge with me.
Carter: (he laughs) Oh, Is that how it works?


                     Rock, Paper, Scissors

Abby: John, how d'it go last night?
Carter: With what?
Abby: With Weaver.
Carter: I think I'm gonna wait till after my mid-year preformance evaluation.
Abby: When's that?
Carter: Sometime today.
Abby: Your procrastinating
Carter: Your naging.
Abby: No, I'm being your sponsor.
Carter: Which is diffrent than being my mother, dont'cha think?
Abby: (walking away annoyed) Ok.

Abby: Hey, I need to talk to you about this Weaver thing.
Carter: Look, nothing really happened, I threw them up.
Abby: Carter...
Carter: I know I'm fine, you know I'm fine, Weaver thinks I'm fine. So, why give her any reason not to.
Abby: I don't know, maybe you can take that up with your next sponsor.
Carter: What?
Abby: I don't want to be your sponsor anymore.
Carter: Whoa, where's that coming from?
Abby: I care about you and I care about your recovery but I can't keep saying the same things over and over because it's hard enough to do it for myself.
Carter: You serious?
Abby: Ya.
Carter: Fine... I'll get another sponsor.
Abby: Ok... I'll see you tomorrow (she walks away)

                           Thy Will Be Done

Carter: So... what are you doing tonight?
Abby: Ive got an appointment with my couch.
Carter: Well... Id hate to come between you and your couch but how does dinner and dancing at the history museum sound?
Abby: Dancing? At the museum?
Carter: Yeah, its an, um, benefit for an after-school program.
Abby: {smiles}Ah, charity date.
Carter: {smiles} Yeah, my grandparents, um, host this annual event and I have to go. But, I would think of it as a favor...
Abby: {Smiling} Do I owe you a favor?
Carter: {Laughs, cocking his head to one side} At the very least its a free meal.


Carter: So what do you think about tonight?
Abby: I think it's the least I can do. No one should be alone after killing a clown.

Carter: Wow, you found something. That looks nice.
Abby: It's a bridesmaids dress.
Carter: Oh... it, it works on you.
Abby: Your lying.
Carter: No, honestly I don't think anyone would know that, that looks like it was made for you.
Abby: Ok, now I know your lying. Let's just go.

Carter: So, I talked to Luka
Abby: Me to.
Carter: He didn't seem to mind about tonight.
Abby: No. He doesn't get jealous...
Carter: Oh
Abby: ... (rolls eyes) Ever.

(Dancing w/ Carter)
Abby: I feel like I'm back at my spring formal in high school. I went with this guy, Seth, but I really had a crush on this guy, Tim.
Carter: I'm feeling for Seth.
Abby:Well, when he went to the bathroom, Tim asked me if I wanted to go outside and smoke a cigarette... and we never went back inside. Carter: (shakes head) That's cruel.
Abby: I know.
Carter: Is that when you started smoking?
Abby: I guess so. See, it's all Tim Stillmans fault.

(looking for Richards car, so she can slash the tires)
Abby:I don't see it.
Carter: I think this is silly.
Abby: It's a blue BMW.
Carter: What if they took her car?
Abby: What do you think she [Alexis] would drive?
Carter: A lexus. Ha! Get it, a lexus... (she gives him a look) ... no.


Abby: Now I feel kinda bad.
Carter: Why?
Abby: Because it kinda ruined our night too.
Carter: Ruined? How?
Abby: Besides the vandalism?
Carter: Yeah.
Abby: The fact that were freezing to death. The fact that we never even saw your grandmother...
Carter: Oh she knows I was there, thats enough.
Abby: OK then. I guess nothing.
Carter: I had an OK time.
Abby: Me too.

Survival of the Fittest

Carter: You OK?
Abby: Oh yeah. Im peachy.
Carter: What
s wrong?
Abby: I dont know, maybe Im still getting over our break-up.
Carter: You talked to Rena. Im sorry I panicked. Um, what what did you say to her?
Abby: Nothing.
Carter: No really.
Abby: Really. Against my better judgment and everything I hold sacred in life I covered for you, so you owe me.
Carter: Thank you.
Abby: M
m, sure. Also, I told her I dumped you.
Carter: You dumped me? She believe you?
Abby: Of course she did why wouldnt she?
Carter: Well, its just... youd never dump me.
Abby: I would dump you like a bad habit.
Carter: Oh no. I definitely think Id dump you first.
Abby: In your dreams maybe.
Carter: Oh I would dump you.
Abby: Wouldnt.
Carter: Youre talking crazy now.

Sailing Away 

Abby: Just get back and send her some flowers I'm sure it'll be fine.
Carter: I don't think so.
Abby: She's young. If you're gonna get involved with a teenager you have to expect a little drama.
Carter: We broke up.
Abby: You broke up?
Carter: She broke up.
Abby: When?
Carter: Last night.
Abby: She broke up with you over a basketball game?
Carter: Over you.
Abby: That's silly. What does she think? That we're having an illicit affair or something?
Carter: No. Just that I have a crush on you. Whatever. It's not like the relationship didn't have it's obstacles.
Abby: Yeah but I wouldn't want you to break up because of me
Carter: Face it. You're a home wrecker.


Abby: You did not.
Carter: I did.
Abby: You did not.
Carter: Why would I make that up?
Abby: You got a perm?
Carter: Twice.
Abby: Twice!
Carter: What! It was Junior High School. That was the style.
Abby: I don't know what planet you grew up on but I do not remember perm's on boy's ever being popular.
Carter: Yes it was.
Abby: No way.
Carter: Jamie Bodlar liked it.
Abby: I have to see pictures.
Carter: I think I burned them all.
Abby: Twice!? So that means you thought it looked good the first time.
Carter: As far as youthful transgressions go I think it scores pretty low on the scale.
Abby: If you say so.


Abby: I want to thank you again for doing this... you didn't have to...
Carter: I'd never seen Oklahoma before...
Abby: No. I mean it.


Abby: Where you gonna tell me?
Carter: Tell you what?
Abby: I heard a rumor.
Carter: Oh ya, a good one?
Abby: Dr. Rosen called. (hands him a note) You know, from the emergency department over at North Western.
Carter: You took the message.
Abby: Ya. He wanted to set up an appointment.
Carter: Just looking at options.
Abby: You leaving?
Carter: I still have to make up 3 months of my residency.
Abby: Well, after that.
Carter: I dunno. I'm not even being considered for chief resident. I have to write this damn peer review for Chen, they're not even telling me about an attending position, sometimes you got to read the writting on the wall.
Abby: Well, Have you talked to Weaver about an attending position?
Carter: No
Abby: Why not?
Carter: Because if she wanted me she would have asked me about it.
Abby: Maybe she dosen't think your interested.
Carter: Maybe I'm not
(They stare at each other, then Luka comes and knocks them out of the trance they put themselves in)

(chatting at thier usual place by the river)
Abby: Do you know he offered to pay my tuition?
Carter: Who?
Abby: Luka... And I know he means well, it's just frustrating for me sometimes because I have to explain my every feeling to him and normally when you're with someone for a while they get to know your moods, but he doesn't do that...
Carter: You know what? Stop it.
Abby: What?
Carter: Don't talk to me about Luka. I'm not your girlfriend and I shouldn't really even be here with you.
Abby: Why not?
Carter: (Pausing) Because I don't want to wish bad things for you and Luka. And I don't want to sit on the sidelines waiting for you two to breakup... And I don't want to be your friend. (gives a little smile) It might be convenient for you but it's not doing much for me.
Abby: What are you talking about?
(They look at each other but niether of them say anything. After a minute, Carter gets up and walks away. )

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