CaRbY 4 eVeR!!
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John looked at his watch. 6:30am. Great, he was off. He was so tired. He stood up, rubbing his eyes. He went over to the Doctor's Lounge, dragged himself to his locker and was putting his coat on as the door opened. He glanced over his shoulder and saw Abby. 'She looks exhausted' he thought. He gave her a light-hearted "hey" She just nodded her head as acknowledgement. 'God, she's so beautiful' he thought. He loved her when she was this tired. Not that there was ever a time when he didn't. God, even when she's hurting him, he still loved her. But now, she looked so vulnerable, innocent - perfect. 'Right John, when does she ever not look perfect?' He asked himself.

"You on now?" He asked, unsure of what to say after her outburst yesterday.

"No. Not for half an hour" she sat at the table avoiding his eyes.

"Oh. wanna grab come coffee?" He asked hopefully.

"No, I don't think that's a good idea" she said still avoiding his gaze. 'Why does he keep doing this?' She wondered, 'how can he still be nice after everything I said?'

"I thought about what you said..." He began, nervously playing with his tie.

"Look Carter, I didn't mean it. I'm sorry"

"Don't worry about it. I just..."

Just then Susan entered breaking the tension. She crossed to her locker. "Hey guys" she said. Abby smiled at her.

Kerry popped her head round the door.

"Abby, thought I saw you come in here. We need you. Car accident. ETA 3 minutes."

Abby began to protest, "But I'm not on..." But Kerry had left. She opened her locker and grabbed her stethoscope.

"Hey John, wanna grab breakfast?" Susan asked. Abby shot him a look.

"Um...yeah sure" he replied, taking his eyes from Abby's. She gave him a disgusted sigh and stomped out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

Susan gave him a questioning look. "What's with her?"

"Who knows?" He said as he opened the door for them. 'All I know is I'm getting fed up seeing her running out the door!' He added silently. "Shall we?"