CaRbY 4 eVeR!!
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As they sat in the limo, Abby nervously played with the front of her dress. She couldn't understand what was making her so nervous - besides the man she loved sitting next to her looking delicious in his tuxedo. She couldn't believe how sexy he looked in a tux. She wondered, for the millionth time, whether this was a good idea or not. Carter looked well, yum. This would be fine but she had told him she just wanted to be friends. Which she did. Didn't she? Even though she was the one that suggested friendship, a part of her - a huge part - wanted more. 'Maybe I should tell him,' she thought, 'I mean he said he loved me...No! He's just on the rebound from Susan he didn't really mean it.' Still she couldn't help but smile remembering his reaction when she opened the door.

It had taken her forever to decide on an outfit. Her! Usually she didn't care about stuff like that. She cringed, thinking how different his reaction would have been if he had shown up ten minutes earlier. She had been a mess! Hair everywhere, dress askew, makeup all over the place. She felt the need to make an effort. She wanted tonight to be perfect. To know, just for one night, what it would be like to be with Carter. Even if it was only pretend.

* * * * * * * * *

Fifteen minutes later they entered a large, beautifully decorated room filed with people. Abby was overwhelmed. The men all dressed in tuxedos and the women looking like models with their beautiful dresses and pristine looks. Abby fiddled with her hair self-consciously, 'Boy am I out of place,' she thought. She nervously bit her lips before she felt Carter tugging at her hand.

"Come on," he said simply. She wondered how he could be so calm. Right enough he had grown up with all this. How the hell had he survived?

"What are you doing?" She asked. He led her onto the dance floor.

"We're dancing."

"Carter, come on! I suck at dancing!" She began to panic. Just what she needed! She would probably fall on her ass in front of everyone. 'Please ground, open up!' She pushed the feelings of dread away as Carter's hand made its way up to her back. She felt the familiar tingles.

"Abby, you couldn't suck at anything if you tried!" He smiled.

'Was that a compliment?' She wondered. 'I will not freak out! I will not freak out!' She repeated silently as he swept her

out among the other dancing couples.

* * * * * * * *

After what seemed like hours, Carter and Abby stopped dancing and made their way to the side of the room. Abby was laughing.

"Now that wasn't too bad - was it?" Carter chuckled.

"No." She admitted, "But I'm so sorry about your toes." She had stood on him like three times. Carter feigned a limp,

"It's no problem." They stood staring at each other. He smiled. God she really was beautiful. He really was lucky to have a friend like her. Her eyes were wide and full of warmth. It had been a while since he had seen her this happy. Seeing her like this always made him smile. She was looking at him so intensely it felt like they were the only ones in the room. Everyone else disappeared. All that mattered was her. She made him happy, complete. She was the most important thing in the world to him. He suddenly broke from her gaze.

"Um...excuse me for a moment. I'll be right back." She nodded. Even though she was smiling he could still detect disappointment. He walked away knowing if he stayed he would do, or say, something he shouldn't.

* * * * * * *

Abby watched John walk away. She felt a stab at her heart. She was all too familiar with this view. Him walking away because she had been too scared to say something. The way he had been looking at her... Had she missed another chance? She shook her head. He was probably looking for a relative. She kept her eyes on him until he exited the room. What was she gonna do now? She was confused. Did she want to be his friend? Or did she want to be his...everything? She contemplated this as she stood waiting. She felt someone behind her stumble and crash into her.

"Oh God! I'm sor..." He began. She turned round, a horrified looked plastered over her face as she realised who the voice belonged to . 'Please god! Not now!' She covered her discomfort and horror with a sweet smile.

"Richard! How...lovely to see you again." Where the hell was John?

"Abby! How're things? Everything good I hope.' Her eyes widened in surprise. This was weird. 'Where is the sarcastic remarks?' She wondered, 'Why is he being nice? Well, if he's making an effort...'

"Thank you Richard, everything's fine. You?"

"Yes thanks. I'm great. So... Um...where did your date go?" 'Here it comes' she thought.

"He'll be back in a second." His next comment threw her even further off track.

"You like him don't you?"

"What?" She blurted. What was he talking about? Shouldn't he be telling me how happy he is without me about now?

"John Carter. You like him." It was a statement. How did he know she was here with Carter?

"How did you...?"

"Oh, I saw you arrive." She just nodded, still recovering from his little comment.

"So, you like him huh?"

"We're friends, yes"

"Oh pl-ease Abby! I saw the way you looked at him. The whole time I've known you, you've never once looked at me like that." She was surprised by his tone. He wasn't accusing her. He sounded like he was actually trying to help. This was bizarre. She tried to stop herself from falling apart right in front of him. She opened her mouth to protest but instead found herself saying,

"It's complicated." A deaf person could have heard the sadness in her voice.

"The best things usually are." He replied simply. "You should tell him."

"Tell him what?" If all else fails - play dumb! But he was not thrown.

"Tell him you love him." She furrowed her brows,

"I...I didn't expect this from you, of all people. What have you done with the real Richard?' She tried to joke past his obvious insight into her psyche. He shrugged and signalled to the corner of the room where a women stood chatting. She saw him smile faintly.

"I suppose that's what love does to you! I, I don't want you to be unhappy Abby. After...everything, you deserve to be happy too." She smiled. It was obviously a miracle! Why look for any other explanation? She reached up and kissed him on the cheek,

"Thank you Richard." She turned to walk away but paused to say, "By-the-way, congratulations on your engagement."

She chuckled, "She must be some women. I like you much better this way!"

She walked away, still shell shocked. She truly was happy for him. No old feelings of resentment left. He had moved on. And so had she. She laughed slightly - her ex-husband giving her relationship advice? The worrying thing was... He was right!

* * * *