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A/N: I just wanna thank everyone for the great reviews, I really appreciate them all!

Summary: Abby's having a bad day.


She slammed the phone down. Damn Weaver! She didn't need this right now. She didn't need to be at that hospital.. Being alone at home is bad enough, but being there reminded her all the more that he was gone. Not that she could forget. But...well, you can't really argue with Weaver. Damn nurse shortage! Why couldn't it have been him? Why couldn't he phone? Why couldn't he be here? Damn Carter!

She pulled her coat on and marched to the door, slamming it hard behind her. She stamped down the stairs and headed to County. It was freezing out. No change there then! Damn weather! She really just wanted to scream at the top of her voice, to vent all the frustration. How dare he make her feel like this? How dare he walk out on her? Well she'd show them. Abby Lockhart didn't need anyone.

As she walked along some guy banged into her. She spun round, letting her anger boil over,

"Watch where you're going, dammit!" She yelled. The look on the guys face was almost enough to make her smile. He practically wet himself,

"Oh god, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you. I..." He babbled, waving his hands apologetically.

"Yeah, well next time pay attention!" She snapped before walking off. She walked down the street daring someone else to bump into her, just so she could yell at them. But the person she really wanted to yell at...well, he was 'unreachable'.

* * * * *

Within fifteen minutes she was standing outside the entrance to the ER. She had managed to complete her journey without verbally assaulting any more pedestrians. But then again...the night was still young...

* * * * *

Two hours, four traumas and zero coffee breaks later, Abby was still in the same mood. Everyone was starting to avoid her now because every time they spoke to her, she snapped at them. She stood in the ladies toilets cursing. Damn kids!

"Why is it always me? Do they see me coming and think... 'Look there's Abby, let's make her day even worse by puking up all over her'...? Damn kids! She just wanted to be at home, alone, in bed. But no...she had to clean up after a bunch of kids who ate too much ice-cream.

She shoved the bathroom door open and marched into the lounge. God did she need coffee! Dammit! The coffee pot was empty!

'Could my day get any worse?' She wondered, filling the coffee pot. As if in answer, Susan Lewis entered the lounge. Great!

"Hi Abby!" She said, smiling.

Great! 'That's all I need... Miss...freakin'...Sunshine. She growled hello at Susan, who backed off and went to her locker. It wasn't that she didn't like was just...Susan had kinda taken her place. She had noticed how close Carter and Susan had become. Things between Carter and her had say the least these past few months and it bugged her to know that he talked to Susan instead of her. He had Susan now...he didn't need Abby.

She stood impatiently tapping her foot, waiting for the coffee,

"Come on!" She snapped.

Dr Weaver entered the lounge. She could feel the tension in the room.

"Coffee not ready Abby?" She asked.

"No." Abby snapped back. She was just standing there for the sake of it! God was that woman stupid!

"Okay, I'll wait" Weaver sat at the table and started going over some charts. "So...ah Abby...have you...heard from John recently?" She asked.

Abby kept her back to her, "No, why would I have heard from him?" She tried to keep the venom out of her voice.

"No, I was just wondering if you knew when he was coming back."

"No. I don't!"

Susan pulled herself into her lab coat, "He'll be back in the next few days," she said.

Abby turned round and glared at her. How did she know when he'd be back? Had she spoken to him? Did she know where he was?

"Did he tell you why he left?." Weaver asked.

"He just said he needed some time away."

"Right." Kerry replied simply, before Malik pushed the door open.

"Dr Weaver, we need you. GSW rolling up"

"Do you need a hand?" Susan asked.

"No, I got it." Weaver replied, going out the door and leaving Abby and Susan alone again.

They stood in silence for a few minutes. God! When will this damn coffee be ready? Abby didn't want to be trapped in the room any longer than was necessary. She finally lost her patients,

"For god's sake! What's taking so long? Is this thing even working?" She banged on the top of it. She sighed, stood with her arms crossed and resumed tapping her feet.

"It might help if you didn't hit it." Susan replied. Abby just glared at her. Susan was the one who broke the silence.

"'re things?" She asked, searching for conversation.


Susan nodded her head, "Good, good!'ll be back in a few days." she stuttered.

Abby fixed her eyes on Susan and asked coldly, "So you spoke to him?"

"Yeah, he called me a couple of hours ago. He's in Boston with his Father."

Abby raised her eyebrows and shrugged. So he had called Susan?! Bastard!

"I'm surprised you haven't heard from him." Susan continued innocently.


" two are really close...aren't you? I figured you'd have spoken to him."

"Well I haven't."


"And we're not that close."

It was Susan who raised her eyebrows this time, "You are practically joined at the hip."

Abby glared at her again, "Yeah, well not anymore!" She shook her heard, "This damn coffee machine!" She hit it again and stormed out of the room. God! She couldn't even get a cup of coffee without someone mentioning Carter.

She leaned against the wall, banging her head slightly. So he was alive then. She hated him! How could he have called Susan? Susan! He was supposed to be in love with *her*. Yeah well she didn't need him. He could call Susan all he liked - she didn't care! She stood cursing the Carter name for a few minutes before someone interrupted.

"Abby, we need you!"

She pushed herself off the wall and ran after the gurney. 'I'm glad someone does!' She though bitterly.

A/N: Sorry about the lack of action in the chapter. It's not very good but it was rushed. I'll try and do better next time!
